Daddy was a sweet and lovely man. He always made me smile every time I saw him. He was always surprising and impressing me with his bright and inquisitive mind/nature. He would frequently ask my opinion on various topics from politics to medicine. No matter what the subject was. I would always find myself thinking, “Wow, he knows so much and asks such great questions!”
To be honest, daddy always kept me on my toes! I never knew what he would ask me next. I always knew that I had to have my facts right because daddy always did his research. This is just one of the many things I will really miss the most.
I lost my father at a very young age, so I was really happy to have daddy Olatuyi as my bonus father in my life. My only regret is that we did not have as much time together as I thought we would. Daddy’s love for God was and is unmeasurable. I really admire his knowledge of the bible and zest for Christ. I know that he is in heaven happy with Jesus as we speak.
Daddy, your memory and the times that we shared will be something that I cherish forever. You will be greatly missed. Rest in perfect peace daddy.
Love Always,
Sarah Adeniran-Obe