From afar dated back to 1983, I showed uncommon love for this rare gem of the Lord. I knew nothing about him then, other than any moment I am privileged to hear him speak on the pulpit, I knew he has something for me. I was then a new convert in Christ of about 4 years old at the Mushin Church. How do I move closer to this General of the Lord? I thought within myself, but the Lord arranged our union both physically and spiritually at a conference of the Evangelists organized by Prof. Adegboye at Offa in 1993. Unknowing to him and the rest of us, we met there as a member of C.G.M and at that spot, I chose him to be my mentor in matters of ministry and life. I remember vividly my challenges I discussed with him and how he proffers solution on the spot on issues bothering my mind. Oh, who will perfectly occupy this vacuum you left behind? Before you relocated to U.S.A, I remembered you took me into your inner room of Iyana Ipako then at Mosan and told me somethings which I doubted if your wife who is the closest person to your heart knows about. I saw in your words and actions that you really love me possibly more than your blood relations if I will not be exaggerating; Rev. you mean so much to me in life and ministry. I know that without you being here physically around I can still do all things because one thing I learnt about mentorship from you that what will take like months or even years to accomplish, in less than a day I can have it done.
Oh, how I wished we had a tete a tete before your final exit to glory, I would have notified you of my next agenda both in life and ministry. Sometimes in July, 2021 shortly after the last zoom meeting of the G.A.C we discussed about Ifaki crusade coming up in July and you promised to solidly stand behind us in all ways. You told me before then that you wished to build a house in your home town but God warned you not to do that but to establish a branch of the church at your hometown; a vision I caught you working tirelessly on until the cold hand of death took you home. Oh my Rev.! I have much to say, your impact on mission work cannot be underrated. You encouraged me at our last trip on mission that took place last year December where Ap Akintola initiated. Adieu, Rev. Johnson Olatuyi. The digging of the Borehole for the mission community but your financial contribution initiated others to follow suit.
I sent you a note before we set on the journey to Bankubu and its environs and your words and acts encouraged me to follow on, oh I need a mentor like you Rev. Olatuyi. I can never forget your role to secure my coming down to U.S.A so we can stay together, although all possible efforts were made though not really serious thing to me but I can see the eagerness in you to have me closer to you despite our weekly online prayers that took another more than an hour on a weekly basis. Indeed, you are my pal of the New Testament. What would I say of every blessed words of encouragement? Looking afar, you told me how you groaned for the state of America to become a dream of your like. I doubt whether you lived to experience this. Those words that exalt Jesus always, I will miss for a while. Where do I go from here? I long to see your arrival at our last convention but nobody told me anything. I remember I sent a text message to you on the 12th of August, 2021 I doubted if you were able to read because I didn’t receive any prompt answer from your end. On the 14th of August, I sent another message because I was already feeling uncomfortable with your unusual silence and I sent another message that G.A.C meeting is ongoing and no response again. Then I told the secretary to connect you, at the end of the meeting and my G.O said you were to undergo an operation. From that day on till the news of your demise was broken to us I felt your absence. Every member of my household wept literally and I am weeping writing this piece. My wife and children knew the relationship between us. I commiserate with you Mummy Victoria Olatuyi, Bro Pelumi, and his siblings, Rev. Victor, G.A.C members and all, and I pray that God will uphold us till victoriously exit the world like Rev. Olatuyi if Christ tarries.
Adieu, Rev. Johnson Olatuyi