There is a place for the word, prayer, anointing, zeal, skill, education, and experience in ministry, but there is also a place for honor. The former has to do with personal mastery, while the latter has to do with interpersonal relationships in ministry. Although Pastor Olatuyi had all those mentioned earlier under his belt and more, what endeared him to my heart was how he exemplified honor. When he immigrated to the States, he served with me for some years before starting his home mission. Despite the gaps, he gave me unprecedented honor and treasured God’s grace in my life. He was authentic to the core. Pastor Olatuyi was also an uncompromisingly righteous man who was addicted to the ministry of God’s word. He was an apologist—a defender of the faith as committed to the saints. He was an evangelist who had an undying passion for seeing souls saved and discipled. He was not denominationally minded; he desired to see the body of Christ operating “as one,” as Christ ordained it to be. Now that He is forever with the Lord, I know that things would get better for his seeds. I know that God would take the work to another level of glory. I know that God’s grace shall be sufficient for His wife and children. Maranatha.
Pastor Sunday Adu
GOFAMINT North America.